Wednesday 27 April 2011

So How Special is Chase Really?

So here we are coming to the end of another school holiday. This one was a little different; Chase wasn’t in hospital for the entire break!
Its great to have some time having fun as a family. This break the family got a rabbit. Not just any rabbit… no a HUGE WHITE ALBINO GIANT FLEMISH.
So far we have learnt that rabbits have big claws and sharp teeth. They like feijoas and lighting cables. They don’t mind the cat – the cat does not feel the same way at all
And Chase is in love… again!  Chosen name “Snow Buddy”. I sweetly suggested monster mouth but Chase wasn’t having it.
Said Rabbit is currently in hutch having Time Out for biting hole in couch.
And talking of Time Out, I remember when Chase was young and as all kids do, was into mischief. There was one particular occasion that he just went a tad too far and got sent to his room with a flea in his ear if you know what I mean.
Friends were staying at the time and one of them asked “How can you do that?” I thought I was about to be dobbed into the anti smacking brigade.
My dear friend was so upset that I could even contemplate telling Chase off let alone give him what for.
I had to calm her down and then explain that yes Chase is special. He has some special needs with his health and his learning. He has issues around his physical stature and not having a lot of core body strength or hands which in turn has created some issues with his ability to write and even ride a bike.
However, Chase is a boy. He is a child that requires support as well as guidelines. He needs boundaries to grow into and then expand upon. He needs love and loving discipline – and by discipline I mean what is appropriate for his age. Time Out was fine at 2, not so much at 9. Now it’s TV removal that has an impact.
My friend calmed down eventually and after I thought to myself about how we as parents treat Chase, we try to just be us. We make mistakes, we learn.
We advocate for him with his health professionals and we fight for and with him for good schooling. We work hard to help him accomplish small things and the bigger things.
We have expectations that he will rise above himself and never have to live on a benefit. We set the benchmark and work hard to show him anything can be achieved if you believe strongly enough and we love.
But I guess this can be said about most parents and their children. Chase is special – but Chase isn’t special either!

1 comment:

  1. Not only is Chase special...his Mum is right out there as well. Donna epitomizes someone who has the unique ability to see the specialness of a person. Its like she shines a light onto that person and helps them be all they are meant to be. Chase is someone who is what life is meant to be....just like his Mum.
