Thursday 22 September 2011

Life without Chase

Have you ever stopped and thought back on what life could be like without your children?
I did today and it bought me up short.
  • I’d probably still be working for other people and not running my own business
  • I’d probably still be buying clothes that just make me look hideous in the name of fashion.
  • I’d probably still be sitting cradling a wine, or in my case a scotch ‘n dry in a pub
  • I’d probably still be waiting for a certain man to call me
  • And I’d be thinking of what life would be like with kids!
Instead I have been gifted two wonderful children, one of which has tremendous hurdles to overcome both with his health and his learning.
And today he made me proud!
Today Chase made the semi-finals of his speech competition – they announce the finalists next week… fingers crossed.
His speech which became a ‘rap’ was about his friend Helen Clark. Having met her in 2008 and stayed in touch and following her new journeys at the UN in NY , Chase chose her as his ‘Special Person who Influences Me”.
Although this might seem a small school exercise for Chase it is huge; overcoming the hurdle of not being able to write legibly to meeting the task head on and seeking support, including from Helen herself.
Chase’s attitude to life of just living it has made me appreciate so much more of what I have as opposed to what we don’t have.
  • We don’t live in a flash house, but it’s full of love (and the odd adult-child argument!)
  • I don’t drive the latest model car but it works and gets us to where we need to go when we need to be there
  • My clothes serve a purpose – to be comfortable so I can concentrate on the job at hand – regardless of whether I am in a client meeting or cooking up a storm for my boys
  • And I more likely to be seen hooking up a can of TwoCalHN than a scotch.
We travel, we visit friends, and we make new friends with special people. We look outside our world to help others and we love.
This all of this has been possible with Chase’s existence.
He has taught us to look outside ourselves, to respect the life we have and to look beyond the material and to focus on the experience.
Life is after all a journey not a destination.

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